Zeige 1 bis 10 von 11 Ergebnissen
Results of a representative employee survey on the influence of internal communication on internal megaphoning Lührmann, J.; Stehle, H.; Röttger, U.; Gehrau, V. (26/10/2023) Jahrestagung der Fachgruppen PR und Organisationskommunikation sowie Mediensprache – Mediendiskurse der Deutschen…, Darmstadt Type of talk: scientific talk | |
The Impact of Internal Communication on Individual Empowerment: Findings of a Representative Employee Survey in Germany Gehrau, V.; Lührmann, J.; Stehle, H.; Röttger, U. (21/09/2023) Annual Congress, European Public Relations Education and Research Association (EUPRERA), Prag, 09.2023, Prag Type of talk: scientific talk | |
The Effects of Conversations in Adolescents’ Career
Development Processes Driesel-Lange, Katja; Klein, Jerusha; Gehrau, Volker (28/06/2023) IAEVG International Conference 2023 Lifelong development as a standard, Den Haag Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Personal Values in Internal Communication and Their Influence on the Opinion Leadership of Executives and Employees Lührmann, J.; Stehle, H.; Gehrau, V.; Röttger, U. (28/05/2023) 73. Annual Conference, International Communication Association (ICA), Toronto Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Let’s Talk About COVID! The Role of Interpersonal Communication During the SarsCoV-2 Pandemic Lorenz, Hannah; Schieb, Carla; Gehrau, Volker; Fujarski, Sam; Blöbaum, Bernd (21/10/2022) 9th European Communication Conference. ECREA 2022., Aarhus Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Dialogic communication as strategic corporate communication? An analysis of health organisations’ social
media strategy Boettcher, Alena; Lorenz, Hannah; Schieb, Carla; Blöbaum, Bernd; Gehrau, Volker; Fujarski, Sam (21/10/2022) 9th European Communication Conference. ECREA 2022., Aarhus Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Information Repertoires in Times of Crisis. An Analysis of People’s Health Information-Seeking Behaviour Lorenz, Hannah; Gehrau, Volker; Schieb, Carla; Fujarski, Sam; Blöbaum, Bernd (20/10/2022) 9th European Communication Conference. ECREA 2022., Aarhus Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Reaktanz als Erklärung für Corona-Skeptizismus in Deutschland: Eine Clusteranalyse Fujarski, Sam; Schieb, Carla; Lorenz, Hannah; Gehrau, Volker; Blöbaum, Bernd (19/11/2021) 6. Jahrestagung der DGPuK-Fachgruppe Gesundheitskommunikation, Zoom Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Online-Rekrutierung von Auszubildenden in der Pflege – ein webbasiertes Schulungskonzept zur Berufsorientierung Weyland, Ulrike; Koschel, Wilhelm; Driesel-Lange, Katja; Gehrau, Volker (16/09/2021) Jahrestagung der Sektion Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaften (DGfE), Bamberg Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Perspektiven von Jugendlichen auf den Nutzen von Berufsorientierung Driesel-Lange, Katja; Gehrau, Volker; Klein, Jerusha (09/07/2021) Berufsbildungsforschungskongress (BBFK), Klagenfurt Type of talk: scientific talk |