Zeige 1 bis 10 von 11 Ergebnissen
Nachhaltigkeit: Herausforderung für Politik, Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft Graf, A., Grundmann, M. und Schewe, G. (04/05/2022) Forschungsdialog, Universität Münster Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Trust and Legitimate Control: Longitudinal Effects in Supervisor-Subordinate Relationships Bruckes, Maike; Romeike, Philipp; Hertel, Guido; Schewe, Gerhard (09/08/2018) Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Trust as Driver of Dynamic Capabilities: A Meta-Analytic Investigation Lendowski, Eva; Bruckes, Maike; Schewe, Gerhard (21/06/2018) EURAM, Reykjavik Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Getting a sense of direction: A longitudinal evidence of the trust-control nexus Bruckes, Maike; Romeike, Philipp; Hertel, Guido; Schewe, Gerhard (20/06/2018) EURAM, Reykjavik Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Constant connectivity: How communication technologies influence Latin American employees’ resilience Baumeister, Viktoria; Bruckes, Maike; Romeike, Philipp; Schewe, Gerhard (23/03/2018) LAEMOS, Buenos Aires Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Drawing the line: Examining the Relevance of Dynamic Capabilities and the Resource-based View Bruckes, Maike; Hofeditz, Marcel; Schewe, Gerhard (14/10/2017) MAER Net, Friedrichshafen Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Trustworthiness and doping behaviour from elite athletes’ point of view Westmattelmann, Daniel (17/11/2016) FINT Conference, Dublin (Ireland) Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Das Vertrauen in den Spitzensport und den Anti-Doping-Kampf in Deutschland aus Athletensicht. Westmattelmann, Daniel; Dreiskämper, Dennis; Pöppel, Katharina; Schewe, Gerhard; Strauß, Bernd (24/04/2015) 19. Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises Sportökonomie e.V., Universität Leipzig, Leipzig, Deutschland Type of talk: scientific talk | |
An Agent-based Concept to Analyze Elite-Athlete's Doping Behavior. Westmattelmann, Daniel; Hokamp, Sascha; Goelden, Marcel; Schewe, Gerhard (03/09/2014) Social Simulation Conference, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Konzeption einer agenten-basierten Analyse von Dopingverhalten im Spitzensport. Westmattelmann, Daniel; Hokamp, Sascha, Goelden, Marcel; Schewe, Gerhard (23/05/2014) 18. Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises Sportökonomie e.V., Universität Bayreuth, Bayreuth, Deutschland Type of talk: scientific talk |