Zeige 1 bis 10 von 26 Ergebnissen
Liturgical commemoration of the dead and memorial books as local and regional identity carriers (13th -17th) Barzen, Rainer Josef (05/11/2024) „Up ewige tzyden“ - For all eternity. International conference on the occasion of the expulsion of the Jews from…, Köln Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Vom Rhein hin zur Elbe und Oder? Jüdische Siedlungsbewegungen im Hoch- und Spätmittelalter (, 3. September 2024) Barzen, Rainer Josef (03/09/2024) Vom Rhein hin zur Elbe und Oder? Jüdische Siedlungsbewegungen im Hoch- und Spätmittelalter, Erfurt Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Lists of Names and Places. The Liturgical Commemoration of the Dead in Medieval Prayer Books (Siddurim and Mahzorim 13th – 15th Century Ashkenaz) Barzen, Rainer Josef (18/07/2023) XIIth Congress of the European Association for Jewish Studies., Frankfurt am Main Type of talk: scientific talk | |
The Synagogue of Worms, Inner Courtyard and Mikveh, and the Temple of Jerusalem. Architectural, Liturgical and Symbolic Perspectives (11th –13th centuries) Barzen, Rainer Josef Barzen (12/07/2023) Jerusalem. From Umbilicus Mundi to the four Corners of the Earth and back. International Conference on the Study of…, Jerusalem Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Jews of Ashkenaz or Ashkenazi Jews? Self-Designation and Self-Perception of Jews from the German Lands in Medieval and Early Modern Italy Barzen, Rainer Josef (31/01/2023) Ashkenazi Jews in Italy During the Long Renaissance Period. 15th – 17th Centuries. New Perspective on History and…, .Pisa Type of talk: scientific talk | |
The Idea of the Jerusalem Temple Sacrifice in the Practice of Kiddush HaShem and the Commemoration of the Dead in 12th and 13th Century Ashkenaz Barzen, Rainer Josef (10/08/2022) 18th World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Der Abraham, Isaak und Jakob gesegnet hat, möge auch segnen…‘. Formen, Genese und Motivationen des Totengedenkens im mittelalterlichen Aschkenas" Barzen, Rainer Josef (20/06/2022) AK Jüdische Geschichte, Arye Maimon-Institut für Geschichte der Juden an der Universität Trier Type of talk: scientific talk | |
‘Der, der Abraham, Isaak und Jakob gesegnet hat, möge auch segnen…‘. Formen, Genese und Motivationen des Totengedenkens im mittelalterlichen Aschkenas Barzen, Rainer Josef (20/06/2022) Online Colloquium, Trier Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Hebrew Inscription in Public Spaces of Medieval Ashkenaz" as part of the section: "Spaces of the Written Word. The Visibility of Jews through Texts" (57th… Barzen, Rainer Josef (12/05/2022) 57th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Synagogue, Inner Courtyard and Mikveh in Worms: Architectural, Liturgical and Symbolic Perspectives (11th - 13th) Barzen, Rainer Josef; Neta Bodner (02/02/2022) Colloquium, Münster Type of talk: scientific talk |