Zeige 1 bis 10 von 14 Ergebnissen
Wyrwoll, Margot J; Köckerling, Nils; Vockel, Matthias; Dicke, Ann-Kristin; Rotte, Nadja; Pohl, Eva; Emich, Jana; Wöste, Marius; Ruckert, Christian; Wabschke, Rebecca; Seggewiss, Jochen; Ledig, Susanne; Tewes, Ann-Christin; Stratis, Yvonne; Cremers, Jann-Frederik; Krallmann, Claudia; Wistuba, Joachim; Röpke, Albrecht; Kliesch, Sabine; Friedrich, Corinna; Stallmeyer, Birgit; Tüttelmann, Frank (2022) In: European Urology, 83(5) Type of Publication: Research article (journal) | |
Wyrwoll, Margot J; Temel, Şehime G; Nagirnaja, Liina; Oud, Manon S; Lopes, Alexandra M; van der Heijden, Godfried W; Heald, James S; Rotte, Nadja; Wistuba, Joachim; Wöste, Marius; Ledig, Susanne; Krenz, Henrike; Smits, Roos M; Carvalho, Filipa; Gonçalves, João; Fietz, Daniela; Türkgenç, Burcu; Ergören, Mahmut C; Çetinkaya, Murat; Başar, Murad; Kahraman, Semra; McEleny, Kevin; Xavier, Miguel J; Turner, Helen; Pilatz, Adrian; Röpke, Albrecht; Dugas, Martin; Kliesch, Sabine; Neuhaus, Nina; GEMINI Consortium; Aston, Kenneth I; Conrad, Donald F; Veltman, Joris A; Friedrich, Corinna; Tüttelmann, Frank (2020) In: American Journal of Human Genetics, 107(2) Type of Publication: Research article (journal) | |
Rehkämper J., Tewes A., Horvath J., Scherer G., Wieacker P., Ledig S. (2018) In: Sexual Development, 11(null) Type of Publication: Research article (journal) | |
Andonova S., Robeva R., Vazharova R., Ledig S., Grozdanova L., Stefanova E., Bradinova I., Todorov T., Hadjidekov G., Sirakov M., Wieacker P., Kumanov P., Savov A. (2017) In: Sexual Development, 11(1) Type of Publication: Research article (journal) | |
Ledig S, Schippert C, Strick R, Beckmann MW, Oppelt PG, Wieacker P (2011) In: Fertility and Sterility, 95(5) Type of Publication: Research article (journal) | |
Tüttelmann F, Simoni M, Kliesch S, Ledig S, Dworniczak B, Wieacker P, Röpke A (2011) In: PloS one, 6(4) Type of Publication: Research article (journal) | |
Ledig S, Hiort O, Scherer G, Hoffmann M, Wolff G, Morlot S, Kuechler A, Wieacker P (2010) In: Human Reproduction, 25(10) Type of Publication: Research article (journal) | |
Jakubiczka S, Schröder C, Ullmann R, Volleth M, Ledig S, Gilberg E, Kroisel P, Wieacker P (2010) In: Sexual Development, 4(3) Type of Publication: Research article (journal) | |
Bashamboo A, Ledig S, Wieacker P, Achermann JC, Achermann J, McElreavey K (2010) In: Sexual Development, 4(4-5) Type of Publication: Research article (journal) | |
Ledig S, Röpke A, Wieacker P (2010) In: Sexual Development, 4(4-5) Type of Publication: Research article (journal) |