Zeige 1 bis 10 von 67 Ergebnissen
Müller, Reinhard (2019) In: Höfele, Andreas / Bellner, Beate (eds.), Natur – Geschlecht – Politik. Paderborn: . Type of Publication: Research article (book contribution) | |
Müller, Reinhard (2018) In: Pyschny, Katharina / Schulz, Sarah (eds.), Concepts of Leadership in the Hebrew Bible. Berlin / New York: . Type of Publication: Research article (book contribution) | |
Müller, Reinhard (2018) In: Gow, Andrew / Sabo, Peter (eds.), Tzedek, Tzedek Tirdof: Poetry, Prophecy, and Justice in Hebrew Scripture. Leiden / Boston: . Type of Publication: Research article (book contribution) | |
Müller, Reinhard (2018) In: Ebach, Ruth / Leuenberger, Martin (eds.), Konstruktion, Transmission und Transformation von Tradition(en) im alten Israel und im alten Orient. Tübingen: . Type of Publication: Research article (book contribution) | |
Müller, Reinhard (2018) In: Helmer, Christine u.a. (eds.), Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception. Berlin u.a.: . Type of Publication: Entry in encyclopedia (book contribution) | |
Müller, Reinhard (2018) In: Beintker, Michael / Großhans, Hans-Peter (eds.), Menschliches – Allzumenschliches. Phänomene des Menschseins in den Horizonten theolo-gischer Lebensdeutung. Leipzig: . Type of Publication: Research article (book contribution) | |
Müller, Reinhard (2018) In: Kubat, Rodoljub (eds.), Lexikon der Bibelexegese. Belgrad: . Type of Publication: Entry in encyclopedia (book contribution) | |
Müller, Reinhard (2018) In: Kratz, Reinhard Gregor / Schaper, Joachim (eds.), Imperial Visions. The Prophet and the Book of Isaiah in an Age of Empires. Göttingen: . Type of Publication: Research article (book contribution) | |
Müller, Reinhard (2018) In: Review of Biblical Literature, 2018 Type of Publication: Review (journal) | |
Müller, Reinhard (2018) In: Jahrbuch für Hymnologie und Liturgik, 57 Type of Publication: Review (journal) |