Person:Nüst, Daniel


Code execution during peer review
Nüst, Daniel (04.04.2022)
Collaborations Workshop 2022 (CW22), online
Art des Vortrags: praxisorientierter Vortrag
Code Execution and Code Review in the Scholarly Communication Process
Nüst, Daniel (28.07.2021)
Mannheim Open Science Meetup, Online
Art des Vortrags: praxisorientierter Vortrag
Executing workflows during peer review for transparency, reproducibility, and reusability
Nüst, Daniel (23.06.2021)
Thüringer FDM-Tage 2021 "Datendokumentation: A love note to the future!", Thüringen, Deutschland
Art des Vortrags: wissenschaftlicher Vortrag
AGILE Conference Reproducibility Review 2021
Nüst, Daniel (11.06.2021)
24rd ssociation of Geographic Information Laboratories in Europe (AGILE) Conference, Chania, Griechenland (online)
Art des Vortrags: wissenschaftlicher Vortrag
Practical reproducibility and reproducibility vs. peer review
Nüst, Daniel (20.05.2021)
Spatial Data Science Hangout, Center for Spatial Studies, UCSB (online)
Art des Vortrags: wissenschaftlicher Vortrag
Reproducible graduate theses in GIScience
Granell, Carlos; Sileryte, Rusne; Nüst, Daniel (02.12.2020)
Research Reproducibility 2020, Online
Art des Vortrags: wissenschaftlicher Vortrag
Reproducibility and Peer Review
Nüst, Daniel (01.12.2020)
Virtual kick off meeting of the Open Reproducible Data Science and Statistics (ORDS) network, University of Rostock, Rostock, Germany
Art des Vortrags: praxisorientierter Vortrag
Reproducible Research Support Service @ WWU Münster
Nüst, Daniel (23.11.2020)
"DH connected": 2. DH-Tag der WWU, Online
Art des Vortrags: praxisorientierter Vortrag
Improving reproducibility of geospatial conference papers – lessons learned from a first implementation of reproducibility reviews
Nüst, Daniel; Ostermann, Frank O.; Granell, Carlos; Kmoch, Alexander (19.11.2020)
The 15th Munin Conference on Scholarly Publishing 2020, Online
Art des Vortrags: wissenschaftlicher Vortrag
Geospatial Metadata for Discovery in Scholarly Publishing
Niers, Tom; Nüst, Daniel (18.11.2020)
The 15th Munin Conference on Scholarly Publishing 2020, Online
Art des Vortrags: wissenschaftlicher Vortrag

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