Person:Klapproth, Jana Johanna


Alternative epistemic authorities - A mixed methods approach to referencing practices of users in alternative online publics
Unger, Saïd; Klapproth, Johanna; Boberg, Svenja; Quandt, Thorsten (27.09.2024)
10th European Communication Conference (ECREA), Ljubljana
Art des Vortrags: wissenschaftlicher Vortrag
Features of disinformation: An interview study on disinformation perceptions with political, governmental, journalistic and economic decision-makers in Germany
Klapproth, Johanna; Unger, Said; Boberg, Svenja; Quandt, Thorsten (25.09.2024)
10th European Communication Conference (ECREA), Ljubljana
Art des Vortrags: wissenschaftlicher Vortrag
Hijacking information flows through initiating topic drifts: Analyzing temporal patterns of how counterpublic actors shift discourses about climate protests by…
Klapproth, Johanna; Unger, Said; Boberg, Svenja; Quandt, Thorsten (25.09.2024)
10th European Communication Conference (ECREA), Ljubljana
Art des Vortrags: wissenschaftlicher Vortrag
Against the mainstream but for what? – An automated content analysis of worldviews in alternative online communities towards climate change
Unger, Said; Boberg, Svenja; Klapproth, Johanna; Quandt, Thorsten (25.09.2024)
10th European Communication Conference (ECREA), Ljubljana
Art des Vortrags: wissenschaftlicher Vortrag
Luring TikTok-Users into the right-wing rabbit hole via housekeeping and lifestyle content? Exploring #tradculture communities on TikTok
Boberg, Svenja; Beisemann, Sofie; Unger, Said; Klapproth, Johanna; Davydova, Anna; Quandt, Thorsten (25.09.2024)
10th European Communication Conference (ECREA), Ljubljana
Art des Vortrags: wissenschaftlicher Vortrag
Dark inspiration? Meaningful affect and the response to right-wing extremist and Islamist extremist propaganda on Instagram
Frischlich, Lena; Klapproth, Johanna; Kleineidam, Tobias; Schott-Eckrodt, Tim (16.09.2024)
53rd DGPs Congress, Wien
Art des Vortrags: wissenschaftlicher Vortrag
Institutionalizing Coping Strategies in a Changing Disinformation Environment? A Two-Wave Qualitative Panel Study with Political and Governmental Elites in…
Klapproth, Johanna; Unger, Said; Boberg, Svenja; Quandt, Thorsten (23.06.2024)
74th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Gold Coast
Art des Vortrags: wissenschaftlicher Vortrag
Fighting Fakes with Social Bots? A Technology-Acceptance Perspective on Fact-check Bots for Instant Messengers
Klapproth, Johanna; Frischlich, Lena (22.06.2024)
74th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Gold Coast
Art des Vortrags: wissenschaftlicher Vortrag
Dark Inspiration Through Extremist Propaganda on Instagram: The Mediating Role of Meaningful Affect
Frischlich, Lena; Klapproth, Johanna; Kleineidamm, Tobias; Schatto-Eckrodt, Tim (21.06.2024)
74th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Gold Coast
Art des Vortrags: wissenschaftlicher Vortrag
Navigating cross-platform crisis coverage: Temporal patterns of topic dynamics in the information flow between news media and social media platforms
Klapproth, Johanna; Unger, Said; Boberg, Svenja; Quandt, Thorsten (18.06.2024)
74th Annual International Communication Association Preconference “A Computational Turn in Journalism: Opportunities…, National University of Singapore
Art des Vortrags: wissenschaftlicher Vortrag

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